Bhopal, not unlike Delhi, is a historic city, but primarily serves as an administrative centre. The program is made up by first, housing and second, the institution. Our design, taking inspiration from the city of Bhopal itself, attempts to marry the its two distinct morphologies with the two-part program - the housing is pedestrian, grounded with an organic street character and activated ground space, together creating a sense of community within, while the institution is contrived, constructed as a stand-alone object set in a landscape. Bhopal, not unlike Delhi, is a historic city, but primarily serves as an administrative centre. The program is made up by first, housing and second, the institution. Our design, taking inspiration from the city of Bhopal itself, attempts to marry the its two distinct morphologies with the two-part program - the housing is pedestrian, grounded with an organic street character and activated ground space, together creating a sense of community within, while the institution is contrived, constructed as a stand-alone object set in a landscape.